For all those who live in or around the New River Valley, I would highly recommend paying a visit to New Rivers Edge Inc. They offer several options for cruising the river with a flexible schedule. Founder, Paul Moody displays a genuine desire to share the splendor of The New River with as many patrons as possible while encouraging efforts to respect the land and all of its inhabitants.
I discovered New River’s Edge Inc through a friend. Working long hours does not allow me much time for recreation, however a much-needed weekend off quickly turned into a mini vacation when one trip down the river simply wasn’t enough! Paul warmly welcomes each customer to his retreat as if he were greeting an old friend. He offers reasonable rates on tubes, kayaks, and canoes complete with a friendly shuttle service to various locations from McCoy Falls to Narrows. River maps are provided, outlining the small class one and two rapids spotting the route along with several landmarks.
On day one, my friend and I began our journey in Pembroke in large inner tubes encased in thick covers; the tubes were complete with handles and cup holders. New River’s Edge offers tubes with and without bottoms; those with bottoms can accommodate a cooler, a bag of snacks, or a passenger who prefers additional back support.
Immediately upon leaving the boat launch and passing under the bridge, the trip began with a thrill as we rode the waves of a few class two rapids. Adventurers of any age will appreciate the sections of rippling waters followed by gentle stretches of deeper currents.
Shortly after riding through the rapids we were blessed to see a distant bald eagle swoop down to catch a fish, then fly off to perch in one of the many trees lining the river. We naturally headed in the direction of the eagle’s hideout and took a break on a shallow rocky patch. A great blue heron casually watched us from the shore. When suddenly, the eagle sprang out from his tree! He swooped down towards the heron who greeted him with an irritated squawk, then sailed up towards the heavens to head upstream, perhaps back to his fishing hole.
We took several breaks to explore the small rocky islands scattered throughout the river and enjoy a few of the deep swimming holes along the way as well. It ended all too soon and we were both eager to return the next day to explore the river by kayak.
Traveling from Eggleston back to Paul’s retreat we took our time meandering along the river making note of various landmarks and of course the diverse array of wildlife. Stunning palisades outline the shores in numerous locations along the trip. A noteworthy patch of the river is said to be over a hundred feet deep along one such band of cliffs. We glided by a number of egrets and blue herons and were even fortunate enough to spot a green heron along the way. Turtles sunned themselves along logs protruding from the shorelines, as we casually paddled through the majestic waters. We enthusiastically navigated the sporadic rapids and paused to swim at various intervals.
Upon our arrival back at the retreat, Paul again greeted us enthusiastically and helped us pull our boats back up the bank. While the river trips are outstanding, he also offers lodging for those who live out of town. A charming A frame cottage overlooks the river, built by Paul himself with timber harvested from the land. Rough-cut logs artistically incorporated into the structure give it a cozy rustic appeal. The property also features a gazebo and several rope swings for kids to enjoy. He continues to expand the property with several new amenities underway and delightful and quite impressive stone structures. New River’s Edge is a wonderful retreat whether it be for one day or several nights!
$15 per person for your choice of tube, kayak, or canoe.